President and CEO
The Board of Directors appoints the Managing Director (President and CEO) and the Managing Director’s Deputy. The Managing Director and the Managing Director’s Deputy, including their related parties, are not involved in any substantial business relationships with the Company.
The Managing Director is a governing body provided for in the Limited Liability Companies Act that is in charge of the day-to-day management of the Company in accordance with the instructions and orders issued by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors appoints and discharges the Managing Director, decides on the financial benefits within the framework of the valid remuneration policy presented to the General Meeting and on other terms of the service, and supervises the operations of the Managing Director. The Managing Director may undertake measures that are unusual or extensive, considering the scope and nature of the operations of the Company, only with the authorisation of the Board of Directors. The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring that the Company’s accounting practices are in compliance with the law and that the financial matters are organised in a reliable manner.
Group Leadership Team
Kemira’s Group Leadership Team is an operative, non-statutory management body that is responsible for securing the long-term strategic development of the Company. The Group Leadership Team consists of the Managing Director (President and CEO), the CFO, three business units heads, the head of Strategy & Sustainability, the COO, the heads of Research & Innovation, New Ventures & Services and People & Culture. The Managing Director is the Chair of the Group Leadership Team and the head of Strategy & Sustainability acts as its secretary.