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Water treatment plant.
From raw water to effluent treatment

Water treatment chemicals for pulp and paper

Kemira has a wide range of high-performing water treatment chemicals for pulp and paper. The product portfolio includes organic and inorganic coagulants, polymers, and microparticles combined with our extensive application expertise and process know-how. This gives us the opportunity to provide an optimized and effective solution for all the water treatment processes.

Water quality and quantity management at pulp and paper mills

We enable optimized and cost-efficient water treatment processes with a unique combination of high-performing chemistry, best-in-class application expertise, and digital KemConnect™ solutions for real-time monitoring and control.

We have the right product for all the water treatment applications at your mill site, from raw water treatment to internal process water treatment and for primary clarification, biological treatment, and tertiary treatment at your wastewater plant.

We also have the solutions for sludge dewatering and odor and corrosion control. Our water treatment chemistries help you reach compliance with regulations, process efficiency and cost-savings, and safety improvements.

Raw water treatment

Internal process water treatment

Wastewater treatment

Sludge treatment

Odor control

FennoFloc x x x x
FennoNutri x
FennoPol x x x x
FennoRox x
FennoTriox x
NetFloc x x

Kemira’s FennoFloc products include a wide variety of organic and inorganic coagulants and silica-sol microparticle technologies for the efficient removal of impurities in various water treatment application. The efficient inorganic coagulants include polyaluminum chloride (PAC), aluminum sulfates, and ferric aluminum sulfates.

FennoFloc products are available in both liquid and solid form.

Use FennoFloc for

  • COD removal
  • suspended solids removal
  • fiber recovery
  • phosphorus removal
  • color removal

FennoNutri product range offers various macronutrients and micronutrients that are essential in efficient biological wastewater treatment. FennoNutri is also an efficient treatment option for phosphorus removal in final effluent.

Kemira can also provide emergency solutions for biological treatment plants that suffer from severe bulking sludge problems.

Use FennoNutri when

  • sludge index is high
  • oxygen level in the biological process is low
  • suspended solids are carrier over to the recipient
  • COD is high and phosphorus removal is needed
  • a more stable biological process is needed

Kemira’s dedicated FennoPlus solid-liquid separation concept provides improved sludge dryness and sludge residual value, increases runnability, and ensures high solid removal efficiency. The concept combines our high-performing water treatment chemicals, unique application expertise, and various smart process management tools to optimize operations.

The different FennoPlus programs are suited for challenging and changing conditions e.g. in biological sludge treatment and sludge and dissolved air flotation (DAF) application on deinked pulp and RCF processes. They combine Kemira’s inorganic and organic coagulants, microparticle technology, and polymers for robust performance and improved chemical efficiency.

Kemira provides a full range of polyacrylamide (PAM) products for water treatment applications at pulp and paper mills. FennoPol products are efficient flocculants for raw water, internal process water, and effluent treatment applications as well as for sludge dewatering.

Kemira is backward-integrated in its production of polyacrylamide with the latest production technology and can therefore offer a large variety of cost-effective products. Our products are available as emulsion or dry polymers, with varying degrees of cationicity/anionicity and range of molecular weights.

Use FennoPol for

  • sludge dewatering
  • primary sedimentation
  • secondary settling
  • tertiary treatment

Novel FennoPol composite polymers are engineered to provide both fixation and flocculation for selected water treatment applications, e.g. for DAF, clarifiers, and sludge dewatering.

These co-polymers are available in dry powder form in different cationic charge, and can reduce product dosage significantly compared to conventional polymers.

Composite polymers help improve sludge dewatering capacity, filter quality, dryness, and tolerance against process variations.

Pulp, paper, board and tissue mills have a great risk for septic conditions at their wastewater treatment plants. One of the most problematic chemical compounds is hydrogen sulphide, H2S. It is a poisonous gas that constitutes a health and safety hazard for the mill personnel, causes odor issues in the nearby environment, and leads to corrosion to pipelines, basins, and equipment.

FennoRox™ is Kemira’s solution for the removal of odorous compounds such as H2S.

Use FennoRox when

  • H2S causes problems in working environment
  • odors and strong smells impact the image of the mill site
  • corrosion to equipment and concrete is severe
  • problems with electrical circuit start to appear

FennoTriox is an effective wastewater treatment specifically designed for difficult waters. It can efficiently remove all kinds of component from effluent, including different toxic compounds.

Use FennoTriox when:

  • additional COD load from the wastewater needs to be cut
  • effluent color needs to be removed
  • compliance with new environmental limits needs to be gained
  • COD or nutrient levels are high after biological treatment
  • recirculation of biologically treated water is necessary

NetFloc is Kemira’s solution to internal process water treatment for pulp and paper mills. Efficient process water treatment is a prerequisite to be able to decrease water and energy usage in the production process.

Use NetFloc when

  • dirty white water causes wet end breaks and defects in the final product
  • heavy metals cause deposits and increased demand for bleaching chemicals
  • there are odor problems in the final product
  • COD load in the wastewater is too high

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