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Proposing action for cleaner water

The EU is currently undertaking an evaluation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. We want to support our customers and the industry by actively following and participating in the latest regulatory developments. As part of this activity, we have produced a position paper around the water treatment topic – calling for equal implementation of regulation across the member states, as well as for higher utilization of technological advancements also in this sector.
A person washing hands in a bathroom sink.

Due to increasing cost-pressures and aging infrastructure as well as tightening regulation, the next few years may hold some challenges for water treatment plant operators. Overcoming these challenges requires fresh thinking and a long-term approach, focusing on Total Cost of Ownership instead of short-term optimization.

Through our presence and leading position in chemical water treatment in most of the European member states, we feel we have some valuable insight to offer both to our customers as well as the regulatory bodies.

In the position paper we are proposing six actions for cleaner water to the regulatory bodies working on the EU Directive:

  1. The requirements of the Directive must be implemented fully and equally in all member states.
  2. Emission limit values (especially phosphorus) in water discharges should be tightened.
  3. Digitalization can improve both the quality of monitoring and the cost-efficiency of water treatment.
  4. Emerging pollutants need to be included in the legislation.
  5. Pollution from storm-water overflows must be limited and discharges safely disinfected.
  6. Clearer guidance is needed on applying innovation and sustainability criteria in public procurement for water treatment.

Download the full position paper here.

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