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On-demand webinar

Phosphorus control in wastewater

Phosphorus has a crucial role in food production and fertilizer manufacturing but in wastewater it is a nuisance, leading to eutrophication of our waterways. Phosphorus removal from wastewater is most efficient when combining the right chemistry expertise with smart technologies.

In this 20-minute on-demand webinar, Kemira experts Jean-Christophe Ades and Jordi Ruiz discuss the regulatory landscape and present customer cases from wastewater treatment plants, who are minimizing their chemical consumption, while meeting strict discharge limits.

Topics discussed:

How municipal and industrial wastewater treatment operators can

  • Optimize chemical dosing and reduce costs
  • Future-proof operations in compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Maintain reliable process performance and stable effluent quality
  • Finally gain peace-of-mind


Jean-Christophe Ades

Senior Manager, Water treatment
Industry & Water EMEA, Kemira
Jordi Ruiz

Jordi Ruiz

Advanced Water Treatment solutions expert
Industry & Water Spain, Kemira
Jan Wedel

Jan Wedel

Webinar host
Manager, Global Marketing Communications, Industry & Water

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Solutions for

Phosphorus removal

Kemira KemConnect™ P is a solution for efficient and reliable chemical optimization to proactively support your KPIs.

Abstract image over phosphorus, water and data points.

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